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Towards a pedagogy of care

by Gerrit Bester

Changes in the teaching and learning landscape were the focus of the first in a series of Learning and Teaching Conversations hosted by the Faculty of Arts and Design on 19 February. The aim of these conversations is to promote a pedagogy of care.

Led by Dr Laetitia Orlandi, Assistant Dean: Teaching, Learning and Technology at the Faculty, the event delved into Teaching and Learning successes, Institutional Changes, and Teaching and Learning Strategic Priorities for the Faculty.

The successful institutional review of the Commercial Photography programme was highlighted as one of the Teaching and Learning successes of 2023. Following the review, the programme received an excellent report.

However, suggestions from the floor indicated the need for enhancement and streamlining of the review process, especially as it pertains to the workload and manpower involved.

Dr Orlandi also cited myTUTor 2023 audit results indicating the Faculty and institution’s progress regarding the digitalisation of education. myTUTor is the official Learning Management System (LMS) to access online and digital learning content, thereby enhancing one of the University’s strategic objectives of digital advancement.

Looking ahead, Dr Orlandi touched on the 2024 Teaching and Learning strategic priorities for the Faculty.

These include programme reviews of the Diplomas in Fine and Applied Arts and Integrated Communication Design respectively. Other priorities include the continued optimisation of digital resources (including a student experience survey on the digitalisation of education), and enhancing the current assessment committee for quality assurance by incorporating a renewed approach to various transformation agendas (including gender transformation, ARTivism, and addressing social ills such as GBV through the curriculum).

Enhancing a culture of academia, through student-centered initiatives, such as hosting a readathon and writeathon during the Faculty library week, is also envisaged.

Dr Laetitia Orlandi, Assistant Dean: Teaching, Learning and Technology at the Faculty of Arts and Design. PHOTO: Tebatso Thamaga

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