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Cumulus membership encourages international collaboration

The Faculty of Arts and Design's Cumulus membership is bearing fruit, including increased international engagement. The latest of such engagements is a meeting Prof Nalini Moodley, Executive Dean, had with Dr Rebecca Peake, Associate Dean: Global and Academic Partnerships, and Interim Head of Department: Psychology, Sociology and Politics at the College of Social Sciences and Arts, Sheffield Hallam University (UK), to discuss collaboration between the two institutions.

Cumulus is the leading global association serving art and design education and research and advocates for designers' and artists' positive role in shaping a better world. It is the premier global network that brings together art and design educational institutions of higher learning to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange in pedagogy, research and practice.

The Department of Arts and Design at Sheffield Hallam University contacted the TUT Department of Visual Communication recently to discuss a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) partnership project to address social challenges.

"During the initial discussions, it became clear that the two universities are closely aligned in their priorities and objectives and that it would be worthwhile for Dr Peake to visit us as part of her planned trip to South Africa," says Prof Moodley.

"We are keen to further our discussions on how we can collaborate on our Arts Festivals and international conference planned for 2024, develop collaborative opportunities for staff and students, in research, build staff networks, create communities of practice, share practice (especially our experience in decolonisation and Africanisation within the arts curricula) and expand our international footprint," adds Prof Moodley.

"A proposed Memorandum of Understanding aims to establish platforms where we can advance future-ready graduates who make a positive societal impact and create opportunities for impactful research, innovation, engagement, and technology transfer to foster growth, development, sustainability and our online presence," she adds.

Schalk van Staden (Acting Section Head: Visual Communication), Dr Rosti Pashkevitch-Ngobeni (HoD: Performing Arts), Inge Newport (HoD: Interior Design), Dr Sipho Mbatha (HoD: Design Studies), Dr Laetitia Orlandi (Acting Assistant Dean), Prof Nalini Moodley (Executive Dean), Dr Rebecca Peake (Associate Dean: Global and Academic Partnerships, College of Social Sciences and Arts, Sheffield Hallam University), Herman Botes (HoD: Visual Communication) and Dr Pfunzo Sidogi (HoD: Fine & Studio Arts) during a meeting with Dr Peake to discuss possible collaboration.

PHOTO: Collin Thabang

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